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Tools Library
Streamline your experimental processes with the integration of Tools to automate your processes and update your LIMS.
Parse Experiment Data toolHow to turn your raw experimental data file into functioning data sets which you can interact with TeselaGen
Create Reagent List ToolThis tool helps you creating data tables with the reagents used for a specific workflow.
Create Data Table from Plate toolFilter sample types from your plates
Add Reagents ToolHow to add one or more reagents to update the content of your plates ?
Aliquot Rearray ToolGenerate worklists to transfer samples from one or more plates and tubes into a new plate set
Import Experiment Data in Assay toolFind out how you can transfer your parsed data into Assays
Bacterial Conjugation ToolTransfer DNA between two cells
Assembly Reaction Planning Tool
Create Custom Worklist Tool
Concatenate Worklists ToolConcatenate several worklists into one
Create Plate Map ToolHow to create one or more plate maps that define the assignment of materials to plates’ wells.
Create Reaction Map ToolHow to create a reaction map which defines the reactions of two or more input materials that create an output material.
Dehydration Tool
Elution ToolUse this tool to remove, extract or separate your material of choice.
DNA Assembly Construct Selection ToolSelect the DNA constructs you wish to build from a j5 assembly report
Inventory Check ToolInventory check on samples, reagents, and equipment
Execute Reaction Map ToolApply a reaction map to plates without executing a worklist.
Microbial Transformation ToolHow to set up plates of DNA materials as required for DNA transformation into a microbe.
Execute Worklist ToolUpdate plates in inventory to reflect operations executed in the lab.
Normalization Planning ToolHow to normalize liquid samples of various concentrations to the same target concentration.
PCR Planning and Inventory Check ToolPlan PCR plate layout and choose PCR materials from inventory
Plasmid Prep ToolExtract and purify plasmid DNA from transformed microbes
Plasmid Purification Planning Tool
Plate Reformatting ToolPlate reformatting of various kinds
Plate Prep ToolGenerate worklists to transfer reagents to destination plates
Plate Registration (CSV) ToolUpload plates from different vendors to create and register them
Sample Multiplexing Tool
Pooling ToolPool aliquots together to create pooled samples
Protein Purification Planning Tool
Worklist Planning ToolPlanning your experimental worklists on Teselagen
Update Inventory ToolUpdate measurements of your plate and tubes
Sequencing Quality Control ToolAligns sequencing data against reference sequences
DNA Sequence Association ToolUpdate the sequence information for existing samples
Sample Quality Control Tool
Run PCR ToolHow to generate worklists to run your PCR reactions in the lab
Plate Registration (Plate Map Groups) ToolRegister Plate Map Groups
Online DNA Ordering ToolFind out if your DNA is manufacturable and how much it will cost
Colony Picking Feedback ToolSpecifies how colonies are picked from source plates to destination plates.
SeqAnnotate ToolThis tool uses BLAST server to compare sequences within databases and build sequence annotations with the option to run partial matches.
Partition Tool
Run Query ToolGenerate detailed reports from custom queries. Simply create your custom query and integrate it into a workflow run using this tool.
Data Association ToolThis tool allows you to associate any experimental data to aliquots in plates.