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Run Query Tool

Generate detailed reports from custom queries. Simply create your custom query and integrate it into a workflow run using this tool.

Written by Minerva Castellanos
Updated over a month ago

Go to inventory > Plates > Upload > DNA Plate > upload these plates

Custom Queries > New Custom Query
​[ { displayName: "Plate Name", path: "name" }, { displayName: "Barcode", path: "barcode.barcodeString" }, { displayName: "Created At", path: "createdAt" }, { displayName: "Workflow Run", path: "" }, { renderAliquotCount: true, pathToAliquotContainers: "aliquotContainers" } ]

​fragment containerArrayRecordFragment on containerArray { id name barcode { id barcodeString } createdAt aliquotContainers { id aliquot { id volume } } workflowCollection { id workflowRun { id name } } }

Workflow Definitions > Create a new workflow definition with the following tasks:

  • Aliquot Rearray

  • Execute Worklist

  • Run Query

Link these outputs/inputs.

Publish the workflow definition

Workflow Run > New Workflow Run

Go through Aliquot Rearray, selecting the previously uploaded plates.

Execute the worklist.

Go through the Run Query tool.

The output plates should be the same as the input plates (i.e. allowing an admin user to link this step's output with a downstream step's input so that users can't skip this step)

The query results data table should include aliquot count info.

A user should be able to export the data table from within the data table record view as well as through right-clicking in the data table library.

Download tutorial plates

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