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Aliquot Rearray Tool
Aliquot Rearray Tool

Generate worklists to transfer samples from one or more plates and tubes into a new plate set

Written by Chris Lamkin
Updated over a month ago

This tool takes a data table of inventory materials and plates as input and allows the user to generate worklists for transferring these aliquots onto new plates. The tool also accepts a plate map group to validate input materials and determine transfer destinations.

Input: Plate Map (Optional), Input Plates or Inventory Lists

Output: Worklist, Destination Plate

You can find more detailed definitions of the terms mentioned in this article in the glossary.


  • Choose One or Both of the following:

  • Input Plate(s) and Tube(s) of samples

  • Inventory Lists of samples. These can be output by the Inventory Check step of the PCR Planning and Inventory Check tool.

You can find the Aliquot Rearray tool under Tools > Tool Library. Click ‘Launch Tool’ to start using the tool.

The tool will walk you through several steps. You need to complete each step before proceeding to the next. After completing a step, the completed step mark (circle) will turn green with a checkmark. You can always use the ‘previous’ button to go back to any previous step.

Step 1: Select Materials From Inventory

1a. Select Plate Map Group (optional): In the first step, begin by selecting your Plate Map. This is an optional input that will determine the destination plate layout. A plate map can be created using the Create Plate Map tool, which is accessible in the tool library. If you do not select an input plate map, the next step will offer some basic configuration options for samples on the destination plate. Here is an example of the use of a plate map group. For now, we will skip this option and come back to it later.

1.b Select Plates from Inventory: Next select Input Plates or Inventory Lists containing samples to be transferred to the destination plate set. Below the user has selected 3 Input Plates.

The selected plates show up now in the Select Plates From Inventory screen. Using the 'eye' icon we can preview any plate.

1.c Materials from Inventory: Select one or more tables of inventory materials.

This input option is required if you do not do step 1.b Select Plates from Inventory. However, it is possible to use both options together. For example, you may have some inputs on plates and others on inventory lists. For now, let's proceed without this option.

Once inputs have been selected, click "Next" to proceed to the next step. The Aliquot Rearray tool should be in the following state.

Step 2: Format Destination Plate

In this step, you will be formatting the layout of the destination plate. If the destination plate already exists in the system, click "Select Plates" to choose it. Otherwise, we can create the plates we need from the interface. Choose a destination plate format, type in names for your destination plates, and pick your destination plate types. If you would like to provide a barcode, uncheck the box labeled "Generate Barcodes"; otherwise, a barcode will be automatically generated.

In this example, the destination plate layout can be specified on the lower half of the Destination Plate Format as shown here.

Finally, input a transfer volume (or mass, which will use input sample concentration to calculate transfer volume) and click "Next" to review the worklist in Step 3.

Step 3: Review Worklist

In the final step, review the worklist to verify that the transfers are correct. Provide a name for the worklist and when ready, click "Generate Worklist".

After submission, you have created a worklist and destination plate.

Click "Launch Execute Worklist Tool" if you would like to execute the newly created worklist. Or click the link labeled "Created 1 Aliquot Rearray Worklist" if you would like to export the worklist in a variety of liquid handling formats.

Launch and execute the 'Execute Worklist' tool to finish the aliquot rearray.

Use the 'Updated 2 Plates' link to view the aliquot array destination plates.

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