The Teselagen platform has an intuitive search and filter tool built-in to help users easily find required data.
It allows you to both conduct a global search throughout the application i.e. DESIGN and BUILD applications or within libraries in the application.
You can access the global search feature on right corner of the top navigation bar in both the DESIGN and BUILD applications as indicated below.
You can also access it via a keyboard shortcut: [Ctrl + Shift + Up Key] or [Cmnd + Shift + Up Key ] depending on your operating system.
Once you either click on either the search icon or through the keyboard shortcut, a search bar will appear on the screen.
On the right end of the search bar there's a tag icon, which you can use to search data with specific tags based on their characteristic, identity or input information. This helps you in narrowing your search data sets from the global search bar as shown below.
Within the BUILD and DESIGN applications you can do a local search within their libraries.
The Library lists are as below and they consist of sub-categories which you can also see and access by clicking on the specific items on the navigation bar.
1) Molecules
2) Designs
3) Reports
4) Alignments
5) Tasks
1) Workflow
2) Materials
3) Inventory
4) Data
5) Tools
6) Tasks
Within each one of these libraries you can use the search and filter tool.
We are going to use the sequences library in the DESIGN application as an example here. You can find the search bar on top right end of the table.
On the right corner of the search bar there's a hamburger icon (β‘) which can be used for custom search. For example if you want to find all the sequence uploaded by 2 different users you can do that through this function.
If you hover your cursor over the columns a filter icon will appear (along with an ascending and descending sort icon for some columns).
You can click on the filter icon and it will show you filtration properties specified to the column types, which you can apply as per your requirements.
You can follow the same steps to search and filter data in other libraries both in the DESIGN and BUILD applications