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User Settings

In this article, you'll find user settings that allow you to customize your platform according to your Lab preset requirements.

Written by Minerva Castellanos
Updated over 3 months ago

Contents of this Article

To access the User Settings, click on your profile icon on the right side of the Top Menu. There are Personal Settings, TeselaGen Settings, and Module Settings (Design Settings, Build Settings, Discover Settings).

You can move between options using the left panel or by clicking on the upper selection to display the list of options.

Personal Settings

It contains information about your profile. The sections are:

  • Profile: It allows you to edit your avatar, name, and phone number. It also changes the Editor View Mode to Standard, Horizontal, or Vertical.

Standard view:

Horizontal view:

Vertical view:

  • Account: It allows you to change your password or email address.

  • My Lab: It shows the labs you are part of. If you have an admin account, you can create new labs….

  • Default Project: To select the project that will be selected by default when you log in

  • Notifications: Includes options to turn on/off notifications on different requests, updates, etc. Includes:

    • J5 reports

    • Design approvals

    • Comments

    • Workflow runs

    • Workflow tasks

    • Alignements

    • Updates

    • Requests

    • Jobs

    • Assembly reports

    • Generation of Oligos for Synthons

API Password: It allows you to generate a login password for API access that lasts 1 hour.

TeselaGen Settings

They are divided into several categories:



You can use tags to organize and categorize your data. On this option, you can see your tags list and create new ones. This can be done by clicking on the “new” icon.

Notice that tags can contain “sub-tags” or options that can be added by clicking on the “Add option”. However, if you prefer to upload tags in bulk, you can select the option “Upload Tags” and upload a file in .zip, .csv, or .xlsx format. Template files are available for you to use the right formatting; by clicking on “Build CSV file” a table will be shown, where you can manually add the information of the tags you want to add.

Extended Properties

Extended properties are a great way to add a new column of data to almost any table. For example, you may have particular data that you wish to capture for every DNA sequence in your database. It could be a name, a number, or perhaps a URL. Note that data upload templates often include examples of additional columns that can be uploaded as extended properties.

To add a new Extended Property, click on the “add” icon and select the type. For each type, you will have to indicate the item type (Amino Acid Sequence, DNA Part, Project, Protocol, or Sequence) and name. Types include:

  • Basic: text, true/false, numbers, or dates

  • Categorical: A set of pre-defined options

  • Measurement: A numeric value with custom measurement units. You will have to indicate the name, abbreviation, and conversion factor.

  • Link: A link to another entity in the system. You will have to indicate the Target Item Type (sample, aliquot, reagent lot, plate, tube, sequence, amino acid sequence, genome, strain, functional protein unit, material, reagent, DNA assembly report, worklist, reaction map, plate map, and data table).


Projects are shared spaces where users can group data for sharing. Users can create spaces for several reasons, to sequester their work into a sandbox where they can work privately, or invite others to work collaboratively. You can also create projects that are shared with everyone and become a common space or curated registry. Note if you share something that is linked to an entity within your private project, the private entity can be accessed through the linked entity. For example, if you create a design in a private project, and then share a part within the design, the private design will show up in the "Linked Designs" of that part and can be accessed through it.

Experiment Settings

The experiment settings section allows you to change settings on the App Mode, and edit Global Definitions Settings, including: Assay subject class, units, descriptors, measurements, computed values, column mappers, data mappers, and reference dimension.


Restriction Enzymes

Includes a library view of the registered restriction enzymes. By clicking on an entry, you can see its details, including the cut site, description, and creation/modification date.

On the same screen, you can check the enzyme groups (if existing) or create one, selecting from the available enzymes. You can also use the Cutsite Filter to set a default Cutsite Filter for sequences (notice that these changes will only affect your account). You can also add new enzymes by clicking on “New Restriction Enzyme” and filling in the corresponding information.

Features, Parts, and Feature Types

  • Features are visual guides to tag segments or annotate a sequence/design. This option on Settings allows you to create new “Canonical” features used for Auto Annotating DNA in Bulk.

  • The Parts option allows you to register your "canonical" parts. Add them to Groups (in the next panel) to use them for Auto-Annotation.

  • On Feature Types, an admin can add/edit custom feature types or remove the default ones.

Unit Settings

This section allows you to edit several units used in TeselaGen's software. Only admins have access to edit this section. This includes:

  • Measurement units: volumetric, mass, concentration, molarity, material concentration, and cell concentration.

  • Organisms: Genera and Species, and Organism Groups.

  • Experimental techniques: Selection methods (antibiotics) and induction methods.

  • Gas compositions: the makeup of gases in a mixture or environment.

Location Settings

Location settings are useful for your Lab Inventory Management System (LIMS). You can add sites (physical facilities), location types (building, floor, lab, etc.), and equipment and container types. Only admins can edit this section.

Label Settings

Allows you to change the label media (name and size), and label format, including type and label media. Only admins can edit this section.

Type Settings

Includes settings to edit reagent types, tube types, plate types, quality control, reaction types, container formats, tube rack types, and request types. Only admins can edit this section.

Design Settings

Assembly Parameter Presets

This allows you to establish the presets that can be applied to design or design templates. Notice that editing presets is only available for an Admin account. Among the available options, you can set the synthesis cost, length of fragments, specifications on PCR or digestion parameters, etc.

Custom Design Icons

In the Design Editor, you have a menu of SBOL icons to be used to identify the parts.

However, if you want to use your own you can upload them by clicking on “Upload New Icon”, the file types accepted are .svg, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and .gif.

Discover Settings

You can edit the predictive model settings, including enabling amino acid sequences as model descriptors, supporting degenerate amino acid sequences as model descriptors, and supporting SMILES notation as model descriptors.

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