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Equipment Management

TeselaGen's LIMS allows you to organize your physical materials on seveal facilities and manage freezers for storage.

Michael Fero PhD avatar
Written by Michael Fero PhD
Updated over 3 months ago

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Inventory Organization

TeselaGen’s Lab Inventory Management System integrates your physical materials (samples and aliquots) with locations and organization inside them. Having a detailed organization of the storage places inside your laboratory is very important to manage your physical materials and keep them updated. With TeselaGen, you can partially or fully automate your freezer management. You can place plates and tubes into any configured freezer manually, or use an automated placement strategy that finds a location for you.

Next, let's see how to edit the existing freezers on your lab:

Freezer Management

To start viewing and editing your freezers, locate the Freezer and Equipment Management Toolkit on the left side panel, and go to the "Equipment" menu.

There, you will see your available freezers and their details including the location (facilities) where you can find them. There, you can edit your entries; let's see how to add a new one:

Adding a New Freezer

To add a new freezer, click on the "New Equipment" option and select "New Freezer".

This will launch the setup window, which creates the nested hierarchy of a lab freezer used for storing important samples. After entering your preliminary freezer metadata, the Freezer Setup screen will look like this:

Use the "Add Container" button to open the configuration tool and flesh out the hierarchical configuration of your freezer:

This allows you to model the configuration of your freezer organization. The physical freezer represented on the container above is something like this:

In this case, the configuration is set with 100 Cryo Samples/Box going into 20 Cryo Boxes/Rack, going into 5 Cryo Rack/Shelf, and going into 4 Cryo Shelves for a total capacity of 40,000 Cryo Samples.

Once your freezer is part of your LIMS, you can locate samples on each box.

A great alternative to entering equipment one at a time is to upload via a CSV file. You can also download the complete equipment record as shown below.

Editing Equipment Types

Equipment Types can be edited by admin users. To access to these settings, go to User Settings > TeselaGen Settings > Equipment types.

Hit the "New" button to create a new equipment type or double-click on an entry to edit.

Select the "Equipment Type is Positional" option to specify equipment types with positions within or on them. One example might be your -80°C Freezers that have distinct built-in shelves.

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