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Getting Started: Freezer and Equipment Management Toolkit
Getting Started: Freezer and Equipment Management Toolkit

The Freezer and Equipment automated management allows you to keep an updated database of your inventory of physical materials in your lab.

Written by Daniela Alvarez
Updated over 2 months ago

Contents of this Article

Organizing your physical materials

TeselaGen’s Lab Inventory Management System integrates your physical materials (samples and aliquots) with locations and organization inside them. Having a detailed organization of the storage places inside your laboratory is very important to manage your physical materials and keep them updated. With TeselaGen, you can partially or fully automate your freezer management. You can manually place plates and tubes into any configured freezer, or use an automated placement strategy to find a location for you.

To access the Toolkit, click on the "Freezer and Equipment" option on TeselaGen's left-side panel. Next, let's briefly see the submenus contained in it and the functions of each one.


A location represents a facility (it can be as big as a whole building or as specific as a floor or room inside it). Some types are already available on TeselaGen's software, however, you can add new ones as needed. Locations are a subhierarchy of sites, which are geographical locations (i.e. the name of a site can be "San Francisco Lab" and to have it on your system, you need to specify its address). The origin site of a location is specified on the locations library as "Path".


The equipment library contains different types of laboratory equipment that can hold samples (for example, freezer, oven, centrifuge, etc.). When adding a piece of new equipment, you can indicate as many details as you need, like the serial number, service contact information, model, manufacturer, etc. Additionally, TeselaGen allows you to manage how the inside of your equipment is organized, as you can see in the freezer organization example below:


Containers represent receptacles or vessels that hold or store different items (for example, shelves, racks, drawers). They can be located inside equipment, but not necessarily. A well-organized rack on TeselaGen looks like this:

Placement Strategies

These rules dictate how to place tubes and plates in different locations. When adding a location to a placement strategy, you can indicate its capacity, this is, how many plates can fit into each position in the freezer. A placement strategy looks something like this:

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