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Accessing Data

The TeselaGen application securely holds all of your essential biological information

Michael Fero PhD avatar
Written by Michael Fero PhD
Updated over a week ago

When opening the TeselaGen application, the header (see below) provides connections to the major functional sections of the DESIGN module.

A single click on one of the section labels will bring up a drop down menu showing additional information or user choices.

For example, selecting Molecules > DNA Sequences will bring up a view of the DNA sequence database.

Note the following behaviors that are characteristic throughout the TeselaGen platform:

  1. A single-click on a row in a data table will enable the user to see a right-hand slide out window that will provide additional metadata about the database entry.

  2. A right-click (context click) will bring up a drop down menu of actions that can be taken against that database entry.

  3. A double-click will open an editor appropriate to the data type. For example, in the DNA sequence data table, double clicking on any entry will bring up the DNA sequence editor as shown below.

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