Data stored on TeselaGen’s bioCAD platform can easily be shared amongst users and groups.
Sharing is done through the library interface of the item that you wish to share. To share an item right-click it and select the “Sharing” option in the context menu.
The "Sharing Settings" window allows you to share the selected item with other users and groups, as well as view the sharing status and unshare it if desired. Search for collaborators to share with or unshare using the search bar and filter menu.
Once an item has been shared with other users, those users receive full access to edit that item. You can tell if an item has been shared with you by viewing it in its respective library. A "shared" icon will be displayed next to all items you have shared, while a "shared with" icon will be displayed next to the items that have been shared with you.
Implications of Sharing
Some items stored in the TeselaGen application have dependencies on other information in the application. When an item is shared, all of its dependent items will also be shared. Consequently, if that item is unshared, all of its dependent items will also be unshared. Below is a breakdown of what items will get shared when a share for a specific item is made.
Protocol: Only the protocol will be shared.
AA Sequences: Only the amino acid sequence will be shared.
Strains: The strain and any plasmids attached to the strain will be shared.
DNA Sequences: The sequence, its parts, and its features will be shared.
DNA Parts: The part, its source sequence, and its source sequence’s parts and features will be shared.
Designs: The design, its DNA assembly reports, and all parts and sequences associated with it will be shared.
You can also share an item in a Read Only mode so the users that you share the item with will have access but will not be able to edit it. This can be achieved from the "Sharing Settings" window by selecting the collaborator you are sharing the item with and clicking the blue button where you can select "Can View" option, this will set the item in Read Only mode for the collaborator allowing you to open the same item in Edit mode.